Download Slim Browser For Windows

Posted by Technology Cracks
There aren't that many Internet browsers. It was interesting to come across one that isn't as well-known or as well-advertised as the others: SlimBrowser. We can't say much about the security of this browser, since time will only tell, but it has some interesting features.
You can save all open sites as a Group, for example, which is a very convenient feature for anyone that has to regularly open the same sites simultaneously for work. There is also a Language tab, which connects you to Google in order to translate a page. It's not perfect, obviously, but it was nice to see a way to easily access such a feature. In File you can also view recently closed sites, which is nice for when you accidentally close the wrong page. You can change the skin of the browser, but most of the skins aren't aesthetically pleasing. It has a lot of the other, familiar features of other browsers so you wouldn't be missing out on those if you choose to give this a try.
Downloading this Web browser was easy. The installation was quick and easy as well. You can set up SlimBrowser to be your default browser during the installation process if you want to, but it's not required.



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